Click here to join or renew online
OR download the Membership Application, 2025 PACT Membership Dues and Renewals form to mail your dues to PACT, P. O. Box 42, Panna Maria, TX 78144.
You may pay your dues with your credit card. Look for the black bar on the payment page that says, “Pay with Credit Card.”
If your membership includes a Directory ad we will contact you after your payment is received or feel free to email us with any questions!
Benefits of Membership
- Fostering relationships with individuals, organizations, businesses, and professionals who support and encourage the Mission of PACT.
- A free ad in our “Directory of Everything Polish in Texas!”
- Supporting raised awareness of Polish culture, heritage, history, and traditions.
- Sharing of member activities and events with a Polish-Texan relevance.
- A complimentary ad in our annual Polish American Council of Texas Directory, distributed in Texas, the USA, and Poland — and on our website.
- Periodic newsletters with Polish-Texan news, events, topics, culture, and more.
- Annual Membership meetings in a different community each year.
- Supporting the PACT Scholarship program.
Annual Membership Dues
1. Individuals must be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
2. Organizations should have a purpose that would qualify it as a Polish-interest group.
• Our fiscal year is from January 1 to December 31.
• Members must be paid by Sept. 30 to be eligible to vote at the annual meeting in November.
• Corporate/LLC memberships are non-voting memberships as per our Bylaws.
• All members are included in our Directory of Polish American Culture of Texas at no extra charge and may upgrade to a larger ad for an additional fee.
• Please download ad information here.
• The deadline for ads to be included in our annual directory is January 31.
• Only member ads are accepted.